While a lot of my bodywork approach is about mobilizing tissues and getting the body moving. An important integration component is refining proprioception. This requires reframing what you’ve felt in the past and redefining how it feels when you have more options for movement. People commonly use words like hurt, pain, tight and stiff. With bodywork, as your body experience changes, it’s helpful to update the words you use to describe that change. Look over the list below. Are there some words that resonate with you? Do other words come to mind? How can you integrate them into your body language?
Comfortable Balanced Freedom
Lighten Elegant Luxurious
Grounded Vigorous Motion
Easy Supported Stature
Feathery Graceful Poise
In contact Move Firm
Effortless Light Buoyant
Floating Facility Steady
Movement Strong Effortlessly
Free Buoyancy Smooth
Smooth Elegance Secure
Stability Mobility Rooted
Refining how you perceive your body can be subtle but powerful. Upgrade your language so it aligns with your bodywork experience and enjoy the effect it has.